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This Electric Tractor Doesn't Need a Driver
A California-based company thinks it might have created the future of farming with a new machine.
Monarch Tractor has built a fully electric "smart" tractor that can operate with or without a driver. The tractor can also move in response to gestures from a person standing on the ground, and can be set to automatically follow a human worker — enabling it to, for example, carry heavy feed bags behind a worker as they feed animals around a farm.
The tractor's 360-degree cameras help it avoid crashes, while its sensors allow it to collect and analyze over 240 gigabytes of data every day it works in the field. Farmers can receive updates from the tractor on their phone, including weather information from its built in weather station, as well as operation reports.
The company believes that the data collected by the tractor will help farmers increase productivity. "It fundamentally changes farmers' economics, allowing them to be more profitable," said company president and co-founder Mark Schwager.
An automated tractor can also be used longer than a regular one. "If I remove the driver, now that means that the tractor, as a piece of equipment, can be operated much closer to 24/7, versus being limited to an eight-hour shift," said Dr. Zachary Omohundro, the company's co-founder and chief technology officer.
Automation also improves safety, allowing workers to keep their distance from chemicals as the tractor sprays them on crops, for example.
The tractor's battery can last 10 or more hours, and takes four to five hours to charge. It also produces no emissions — unlike a diesel tractor, which produces about 14 times more than a regular car.
Omohundro also says that the Monarch is as powerful as a tractor one or two sizes larger, and the vehicle can even be used as a remote generator when out in the field.
The tractor has a starting price of $50,000, and is expected to be ready for shipping in fall 2021.
*crop : 1. (농)작물 / 수확하다 2. 짧게 자르다, 깎다
--> 그래서 짧은 티를 크롭티라고 하나보다!
*emission : 1. 배출, 배출물, 배출가스
+) 여기서 나오는 트렉터는 360도 촬영하는 카메라를 이용하여 장애물이나 사람을 피한다고 한다.
아마 Lidar가 아닌 레이더와 센서 기반으로 자율주행을 하는 것 같다.
아직 Lidar가 제조단가가 안맞긴 하지만 좀 더 양산성이 확보되어 단가가 낮아진다면 Lidar를 적용한 자율주행차들이 더 성능이 좋을 것 같다.
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